Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Trump is on track to have an even larger deficit. After Clinton and Obama I know longer believe the GOP is interested in reducing the deficit when it switches tactics depending if they have the WH. And I didn't cherry pick. Obviously the economy and job creation was already good way before Trump was even elected. He didn't have anything to do with that obviously.

On the point of Trump being headed for an even larger deficit, I have to agree with you, and that is one of the few concerns (and certainly the primary one) I have about Trump. I'd hoped he is only doing what needs to be done with deficits in his first two years. I had a conservative friend tell me that Trump has already laid out large deficits that will continue till his fourth year. That concerns me deeply. Trump is in every other ay a remedy to the excesses of the two-party establishment/elitist club that enriches itself while selling the rest of us out to globalist/corporate interests. The debt is of huge concern to me, but unfortunately not to many Republicans and Democrats voters alike. It is an abstraction that is difficult to make into an issue many people care about.

Financial writers like David Wiedemer, James Rickards, and Peter Schiff often cite that the debt snowball is rolling beyond control and cannot be stopped, that regardless of which party is in office, the president after Bill Clinton of either party would inevitably have more debt, the president after George W. of either party would have even more, and the president after Obama even more. But I frankly don't buy that. Under each of these presidents there have been huge new expenditures. I had high hopes that Trump the reformer would make this one of his important reforms.

My only caveat to that is, Trump requested $700 billion to rebuild our military that was gutted and dangerously unready after 8 years of Obamaa, and instead of giving Trump that, the Democrats extorted another 900 billion for liberal spending programs. I fault the Democrats for that, but I also faault Trump (the tough negotiator) for not playing hardball for less spending.

Certainly, M E M, you were not at all concerned about deficits when Obama was president. Unlike you, I am concerned about deficits under Trump.