In the last few days on various Fox shows (of course! What other news network would reveal the truth?) of Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid and others saying back in 2008 and 2009 almost verbatim what Trump is saying now. That we can't allow these people to just illegally swarm across our border, that they are invaders who can't be treated like legal immigrants, that we have to build walls and fences to secure our border and keep them out.

Now, suddenly when Trump says the exact same thing, it's racist, heartless, xenophobic, cruel,unsympathetic. All that has changed is that Trump is president, and they don't want to give him the political victory.

All Trump and the Republicans have to do is make commercials of Democrats saying these things, and bombard the airwaves with these commercials for several weeks to expose the Democrats' hypocrisy.

Of course, the Democrats are liars who were only giving lip service to securing the border, because they want to admit and legalize as many illegals as possible to create a permanent Democrat voting majority. But they said these things just the same, and it's just as hypocritical regardless.