I love how consistently liberal (and therefore pro-illegals) Wikipedia tosses in (under the headline MILITARIZED BORDER RAPES) this with no supporting confirmed incidents or statistics to be U.S. Border Patrol raping these women, rather than the coyotes and drug cartels that transport these women illegally. All three numbered "sources" are actually one source, clearly some far-left "women's studies" group.

Slandering Border Patrol without a shred of evidence.

This much is verified by several well-known human rights groups:


The newspaper La Jornada surveyed women attempting to migrate while they were in Mexican border cities. 30% said coyotes forced them to have sex as payment.[21]

The United Nations estimated that among women crossing without husbands or families, as many as 70% were victims of some form of abuse.[5]

At the time of the Amnesty International report, the non-profit estimated "as many as six in 10 women and girl migrants experience sexual violence during the journey."[1] It cites a 2006 study of already-detained migrant women in which 23 of 90 reported experiencing violence, with 13 saying the perpetrator was a state official.[1] The researchers involved believed actual numbers were likely higher.[1]

According to a report by Splinter News, as many as 80% of women and girls coming to the United States from Central America are sexually assaulted.[3]

Michelle Brané of the Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children told Tucson Weekly that "nonprofit groups and even the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement ... estimate that the vast majority of women and female children encounter some sort of sexual assault en route to the United States," and that "it's become the norm, and in many cases with female children, they just assume that there's been some sort of incident."[5]