I just ran again across this politifact article on the liberal media deception a few months back, regarding the photos of illegal-immigrant kids in cages:


Where the liberal media was bemoaning the "cruelty" of Trump, using photos of kids in cages, but using photos from 2014 when Obama, not Trump, was president!

Once again demonstrating that what is unforgivable sin if it were Trump (but wasn't) is perfectly OK and not even news if Obama or some other Democrat does the exact same thing.

I've never seen a Politifact on Trump where they verified Trump's remarks as 100% true with no qualifiers, and didn't struggle for some context where it could be slanted as partially untrue.

I'd like to see some exposure of the cruelty of Democrat policies that let 60 to 80% of women and children illegally crossing to be sexually abused. A border guard official I saw in the news 2 days ago said that about 2,000 illegals a day are coming across. And that's just the ones they capture. So of just the ones they capture conservatively say 1,000 are women and children, and at the lowest estimate 60% are sexually abused. That's at least 600 rapes a day, times 365 days, that's at least 219,000 rapes a year that Democrats encouraging these illegals to cross are causing. Add to that those murdered, those who are abducted into human slavery/prostitution, deaths in the desert and other murders, along with the tens of thousands of U.S. citizens victimized by rapitsts, murderers, drunk drivers, gang members, burglaries and other crimes committed by a ratio of the illegals brought in.

There was a story two days ago about a mother whose son was murdered by an illegal (i.e., due to Democrats' open-borders policy), and she wanted to come to Pelosi's office with a jar of her son's ashes, and Pelosi wouldn't even meet with her. Talk about cruelty.


Sabine Durden offered to bring her dead son’s ashes to show House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer the consequence of not securing the southern border.

Durden was responding to a proposal Trump 2020 presidential campaign manager Brad Pascale made to Pelosi and Schumer.

“Would Nancy, Chuck and their friends in the media have the courage to look an angel mom in the eyes and lecture them about a wall being “immoral”?” Pascale wrote Wednesday. “Democrats need to stop putting politics ahead of the safety of American citizens.

“I would volunteer and bring my sons ashes for a simple show and tell because clearly they don’t want to understand anything else,” legal German immigrant Sabine Durden wrote Wednesday.

Durden’s son Dominic Durden came to the U.S. with his family in 1992, at the age of ten. He was a 911 dispatcher for the Riverside Sheriff’s Department and had dreams of becoming a Police helicopter pilot. He received awards posthumously for his extensive community involvement and volunteerism.

An illegal alien driving without a license and with two prior DUI convictions slammed into Dominic Durden and his motorcycle in July 2012, killing the young man. The offender spent just 35 days in jail for killing Dominic.

Sabine Durden carries the ashes of her only child with her in remembrance.