I've mentioned it in two other relevant topics, but it really warrants its own topic.


Ralph Northam could have either 1) taken ownership of the photo and apologized for it and asked forgiveness, or 2) resigned.

But instead he had an incredibly disingenuous press conference Sunday afternoon, where he said he never saw his own personal page in his own yearbook, that he never bought the yearbook, and didn't know who the two guys (one in painted minstrel blackface, the other in a KKK uniform, both smiling for the photo) in the photo were. Who would believe that?
Is there one person in this country who didn't personally select what went on their own yearbook page, and not know who was in the photos on their page? It's just completely unbelievable.

Then in the next sentence, Northam says Well, I wasn't in blackface in this photo, but I did paint my face black with shoe polish to dance like Michael Jackson in a dance contest. Has one other person in United States ever done that?!? And is that the same if not worse than being the blackfaced guy in the yearbook photo?
In last night's The Next Revolution (Sunday, Feb 3 2019), it was also revealed that Northam had suppressed in his 2017 campaign any photos of him with his black Leiutenant-Governor running mate, in an apparent attempt to boost his numbers with white Virginia voters by distancing himself from his black running mate.

Add to this that Northam during the 2017 campaign smeared his Republican opponent Ed Gillespie relentlessly as a white racist and never missed an opportunity to associate Gillespie with the racial events in Charlottesville. Northam the exposed racist, falsely slandered his Republican opponent as a racist.

And now....

Just today, it came out that Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax has been accused of sexual assault, and might not be able to replace Northam as a result. Although details have yet to be disclosed fully regarding that. One possible story is that the allegation originates from Northam. Either further evidence of his racism, or perhaps an attempt to poison his replacement so the Democrats will be less eager to replace Northam.

I still withhold judgement until all the facts are on the table, but I'm definitely enjoying the Democrat-on-Democrat fratricide, using the same unbelievsbly vicious tactics on each other that they've baselessly used on Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, Donald Trump, Roy Moore and Brett Kavanaugh. Until the dust settles, I'll get another bowl of popcorn and enjoy the show. It was inevitable that the same vicious slander tactics they use on Republicans, they would eventually unleash on each other. The genie is out of the bottle.

I'm also amazed that, a week later, no reporter has gone through and interviewed all, or at least some, of Ralph Northam's high school, college, and med-school classmates, and former girlfriends and co-workers. Could it be that the overwhelmingly liberal media doesn't want to know? Somehow I think if the exposed racist were Governor Ron Desantis (R-FL) or Gov. Bian Kemp (R-GA) they'd be interviewing classmates and co-workers up the yingyang, in great eagerness to find something further incriminating.

So why not Ralph Northam's ? Gee, I can't imagine why.