Justin Fairfax is being represented against his female accuser (who Fairfax allegedly assaulted in 2004) by the same lawyer who represented Christine Blasey-Ford. An ironic reversal of the situation where Blasey-Ford had to be believed without question by everyone. And now the DNC has the opposite view where a woman has to be discredited and silenced before she is even heard.

I believe it was Mike Huckabee who said that if Democrats didn't have double-standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.

Huckabee went against the Clinton machine in the 1980's and early 1990's, at a time where the Democrats did the same thing to Bill Clinton's accusers, including Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willie, and Paula Jones. Who the liberal media, in over 25 years, have never given a mainstream interview. But conversely have given maximum primetime coverage to every Republican accuser.