Pretty much like Trump's state of the union speech last year, Democrats just sat there looking angry and expressionless at things they should have been cheering for. Such as the heroic stories of veterans of multiple wars, ICE officials who rescued young illegal-immigrant girls from sexual slavery and prostitution, soldiers who are among the last to have stormed the beaches on D-Day, who rescued prisoners at Dachau, and the now-U.S.-citizen Jewish survivors of Nazi Germany.

For this the Democrats sat on their hands and looked like pouting unhappy six-year-olds forced to go to Grandma's house.

When Trump talked about statist socialism such as in Venezuela that many have fled to the U.S. from, Trump said "we were born free and will always be free". The Democrats again just sat there like petulant children. They wouldn't even cheer enthusiastically for freedom.
Trump's next line was about the U.S. not descending into socialism. Again wild applause, but with Democrats just sitting there. Clearly the likes of Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would like to recreate the country with a Lenin-style new socialist order. As I've pointed out before, as cited by DiscoverTheNetorks' Bernie Sanders listing, Sanders had a Soviet flag on the wall of his mayor's office in Burlington, Vermont throughout his 10-year term in the 1980's. How anyone can support these people and not run them out of town is beyond me.

And someone please explain to me why all the Democrat women prsent were wearing white. As one pundit laughingly said, it made it easier to see that all the people not applauding were Democrats.

It was pretty funny at one point where Trump threw a conciliatory bone to the Dems about women on the 100th anniversary of the 1920 women's suffrage (allowing women to vote) being at the highest ratio of workers ever, and women are now at the highest ratio of Senate/House members ever. At this point Pelosi finally stood up and motioned with her hands for all her partisan-Democrat puppets to stand up and applaud. I liked how Trump said "Keep standing, you'll like the next thing I have to say", and then said the second part.

And predictably, Pelosi vindictively trashed Trump after the speech for not pointing out that a majority of women in Congress were Democrat. But in his bipartisan/unifying gesture, Trump didn't specify party, he just honored women, party unspecified.

And then, irony, Schumer and Pelosi railed on Trump for being partisan in their comments after the speech!