Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Trump win was aim of Russia
To much intel blows away your spin WB. It has to be pretty depressing to know a lot of your posts were not much different than what the Russian bot farms were producing. And while I think Trump is an awful shitty person let me draw a distinction between us. Unlike you I do not have anything close to the level of vitriol for my fellow countrymen who are republicans that you level at democrats on a daily basis. Principles are not a political party.

Again, your wishful thinking, M E M.
The Russians thought Hillary would win, and they were as surprised as everyone else when Trump won the election. Even before Trump won, the Russians thought the best they could do was create doubt in the legitimacy of a President Hillary.

And AGAIN: Congressionaal investigation showed that despite their best efforts, the Russian did not have any significant effect on the election. Trump won in spite of the Russians, not because of them.
ALSO: Russian bots posted divisive rhetoric for both sides. Their goal was to undermine confidence in the 2016 election, not to win the election for either candidate.