Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

Democrats are for border security. They had money in the budget and were even willing to increase the amount to get a deal done. As it turns out Trump ended up declaring an emergency that in his own words didn't need to do. You're are literally arguing against even what he's admitted.

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:
\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

Could you possibly really believe that?!?

Democrats have been weak on border security for decades, and they don't favor anything that would truly secure the border. Quite the opposite, they think the more illegals they admit, the more Democrat voters they will have.
They demonize anyone who wants to secure the border with a wall.
They are the party of sanctuary cities.
They won't even advocate the deportation of known criminals! And they obstruct ICE from arresting criminal aliens in custody, enabling known criminal illegals to hurt even more people!

Democrats offered $1.7 billion initially, that was still far less than the 5.7 billion Trump needed to do the job. And really, 25 billion to do the whole job. Even 25 billion is a drop in the bucket, that would more than pay for itsef in the first year it secured the border. The Demcorats hose more than that away on gas emissions from cows, Solyndra, GE, and high speed railways to nowhere. What Trump requests would be about 0.3% of the annual budget. Pure Democrat obstruction and spite.