I jusr watched an interview with Debbie D'Souza, who is a native of Venezuela who fled the country when Hugo Chaves took over. She described her country at that time being as prosperous as the United States.
Then they started "tax the rich" and wealth redistribution, that only tore down the rich but didn't elevate the poor. Then they took away guns from citizens, and nationalized all business, including nationalizing Venezuelan media under complete control of their socialist/communist government. Now people are literally starving and have no way to defend themselves against their authoritarian leaders. And while dissent is rising, the government in its death throes have in recent weeks killed hundreds of dissenters.

They are also militarily preventing humanitarian aid to feed their citizens, coming from Colombia, Brazil and other neighboring nations, from entering Venezuela.

D'Souza also says that the current Venezuela regime presents a direct threat to the national security of the United States, as they host Hezbollah training camps, are a conduit for islamic terrorists on their path to illegally entering the United States, and are allied with the Iranians, who are seeking to buy uranium from Venezuela. And we all know what Iran would do with that uranium.

I've seen her interviewed several times on the subject of Venezuela in recent weeks, and knew she is a Venezuelan exile. Not until I googled her name did I know she's the wife of Dinesh D'Souza. She's passionate in her warning of what happened to her country, and that the same could happen to the United States. And the stated policies of the rising Bolsheviks in the Democrat party are certainly clear they want follow an identical path here in the United States.