Yeah I haven't been visiting much for the last couple of months. Less time for the partisan venom. I'm actually getting married! I never thought I would be lucky enough to meet somebody else after losing my last partner to cancer that I would even consider marrying. I was content with just getting a cat and reading a lot. I've seen so many bad relationships and no longer being a kid I was fine with that. But I met somebody special that was willing to take it slow. Very off topic but I've been busy, lol.

On topic, from what I've seen so far Mueller a republican conducted an investigation in a very ethical manner. I look forward to reading his report. Trump is still a piece of shit but I'm glad he wasn't colluding with Russia. He did surround himself with people who lied about their Russian contacts and the report apparently states it doesn't exonerate him on obstruction. Not at all surprised he brazenly lies that it's a full exoneration though.

So I'm looking forward to getting married and further down the road watching Trump lose in '20.

Fair play!