Hannity also had an opening commentary about the complicity of the liberal media exposed.

Even better is the commentary by Mark Levin (an assistant attorney general in the Reagan years, who often comments in the perspective of Constitutional law), beginning about 22 minutes in.

Hannity, 3-29-2019, Friday

Levin points out that, in contrast to the liberal media commentary bashing Trump as "dangerous" and threatening rule of law, the past Constitional abuses and weaponization of the IRS, FBI and DOJ by multiple Democrat presidents (the Obama administration, LBJ and JFK, FDR and Woodrow Wilson) Trump beyond a few media-bashing comments has taken no comparable action against the liberal media or the Democrats.
Especially astonishing is what he discussed Ted Kennedy doing in 1984, in a real incident of "Russia collusion".

All of which Democrat transgressions for a century were and remain invisible to the liberal media, unreported.

Levin points out similar abuses of FBI and IRS and extreme suppression of political opponents, dating back FDR, Woodrow Wilson, Abraham Lincoln, and even back to treasury secretary Alexander Hamilton in the George Washington administration.
Don't expect to see this ever mentioned on CNN or MSNBC.