We know why. Most Jewish people, like most blacks, hispanics and asians, are indoctrinated by liberal media and just follow the herd of groupthink to vote Democrat. They dismiss any facts presented to theem as "lies" or "right wing hate" and therefore immunize themselves to information and facts that would persuade them otherwise, if they would only open their minds.

The "Trump turd" has created the best economy in at least 50 years, an economy that is disproportionately benefitting blacks, hispanics, women, blue collar worrkers, and even paroled inmates. And wages at the blue collar level are rising at a disproportionate rate, for the first time in decades.
If only Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, and women could break their Democrat programming and open their minds to the facts.


In a press release announcing the launch of Jexodus.org, the group said, “We’re done standing with supposed Jewish leaders and allegedly supportive Democrats who rationalize, mainstream, and promote our enemies. We’d rather spend 40 years wandering in the desert than belong to a party that welcomes Jew-haters like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez.”