I cite sources and lucid arguments, while you repeat liberal talking points bumper-sticker catch phrases... and I'm the one who "continues to shill" ?!?
Nice try, M E M.

Mueller's letter doesn't prove a damn thing.
Despite Mueller not finding any evidence and finally having to admit that in his final report, he wrote that letter to give the Democrats the slightest excuse to perpetuate their narrative and give pseudo-legitimacy to opening another Democrat House investigation. But as Barr said yesterday in hearings, the investigation is over, there is no legitimacy to further headline-grabbing narratives, the Democrats are using the myth of Trump "collusion" and "obstruction of justice" as a political weapon.

All you have is empty words like "lies' and "shill". Using insults and labels to cover up that there is nothing to back up the Democrats' illegitimate slanderous DISPROVEN lying narrative.

Meanwhile, there's a mountain of evidence that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are guilty of ACTUAL Russian/Ukranian collusion and ACTUAL obstruction of justice. That the lying Democrats obstruct investigation of. But meanwhile, there it is:
  • * Hillary Clinton's illegal e-mail server, ripe for the hacking daily by the Russians and Chinese, where they could see in real time every move the U.S. government was making diplomatically and militarily.

    * Barack Obama, who lied that he didn't know about the illegal e-mail server, but communicated regularly with Hillary on it, using a false user name. The fact that Obama hid his real name demonstrates consciousness of guilt, for which he could be convicted.

    * The lies of Susan Rice, Josh Ernest, Hillary Clinton and Brack Obama for months leading up to the 2012 election about the Benghazi attack not being an Al Qaida organized attack, perpetuating the false narrative that it was a "spontaneous protest" over an anti-islamic Youtube video that got out of control. Just a few of the examples that prove the narrative was knowingly false are e-mails between Hillary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton, and between the Obama government and the Libyan government, that maake clear Hillary and Obama knew the whole time what they were fronting was false.

    * Hillary and her staff destroying subpoenaed computers, files and cel phones, that were bleach-bitted and smashed, destroying at least 33,000 e-mails. The fact that Trump is being accused of "obstruction of justice" based on nothing, while Hillary's clear destruction of evidence goes unnoticed and unprosecuted by these Senate Democrats, makes me truly want to kill someone.

    * "pay-to-play", the Clinton Foundation taking hundreds of millions in donations from foreign governments, in exchange for giving them a fast-track access to State Department assistance, selling State Department access to the highest bidder, to any bidder, while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.

    * Weaponizing the IRS against Republican activists and donors in 2010-2012 by Lois Lerner and IRS director Koskinin, clearly orchestrated by the Obama White House in over 150 White House meetings with Koskinin.

    * And ultimately, weaponizing the FBI, DOJ, DNI, CIA and FISA court to try to rig the election for Hillary. And using these same branches to spy on, do opposition research, sabotoge and frame the Trump campaign and incoming Trump administration. Even as they obstructed and destroyed evidence to prevent prosecution of Hillary Clinton, they created false evidence, slandered and prosecuted Trump officials, ruined the lives and bankrupted Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Michael Caputo, Carter Page, George Pappadapoulos, Sam Clovis, Rick Gates, Marc Cohen, and Roger Stone.

As much of a free pass as Democrat leaders and FBI/DOJ gave to criminally liable Hillary and her Bolshevik personal staff, is how maliciously aggresive the FBI/DOJ have been in prosecuting Trump officials. Bankrupting them with legal fees, and with FBI deliberately intimidating and chasing away their business clients, FBI questioning of everyone they knew, shaking these Trump officials down with charges way beyond what any participant in Watergate ever faced, forcing them to take plea bargains, or threatening to expand the prosecution to indict their family members. "Witch hunt" doesn't half do justice to their authoritarian abuse of prosecutorial power.

And even more infuriating is that as maliciously as these guys are being prosecuted, the indifference of you and other Democrats to the destruction of these people, for charges that were, previous to Trump becoming president, considered cases unworthy of prosecution by the FBI.

Clearly cases resurrected only as a political weapon.
Falsely accusing Truump officials, while erasing the evidence and refusing to prosecute the overwhelming case against Hillary officials, Obama officials and the DNC (who paid $973,000 to Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele, who got their paid-for information in the "Russia Dossier" directly from Russian government officials.)
Please tell me again: who "colluded" with the Russians? The ones who gave the Russians nothing and walked away from a 20-minute meeting? Or the ones who gave them a million dollars through Fusion GPS, gave them the Uranium One deal in exchange for Millions in Clinton Foundation donations and speaking fees? Which case really warrants prosecution?

I could go on with the list, but those are the major points. Trump officals have been vindictively prosecuted with no evidence, while far greater evidence is ignored by Obama/Hillary deep state officials in DOJ and FBI. Officials who themselves should be facting obstruction of justice charges.

 Originally Posted By: text message between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, within the FBI

POTUS wants to see everything we are working on.

Even treason of their fellow Democrats means nothing to House and Senate Democrats. No ethics, no desire for justice, or rule of law. For the Bolsheviks in the Democrat party, all that matters is a political win, by whatever deceitful means.