An example of liberal media bias, in contrast to the media's eagerness to convict conservative/Republicans like Brett Kavanaugh, Herman Cain, Roy Moore, Clarence Thomas and Donald Trump without a trial, is the media's reluctance even 20-plus years after the fact to acknowledge and report the abundantly proven allegations against Bill Clinton.

I just ran across this Newsbusters blog post about CNN reporter Alisyn Camerota (who I actually used to enjoy when she was on Fox News for about 10 years).


And Bill Clinton Is Demanding A Recount

MRC Newsbusters (Exposing and Combating Liberal Media Bias) says CNN’s AnchorBimbo Alisyn Camerota actually seemed shocked 14 women could make claims against Disgraced DemocRAT Ex Pant-Dropper-in-Chief Bill Clinton. Proving she hasn’t done her homework on one of the biggest stories of the day, an astonished Alisyn chimed in, “Is that right? Fourteen.” Listen to the shock and incredulity in Alisyn’s voice.

If Alisyn had consulted CNN’s own files, maybe she wouldn’t have been so shocked. The Starr report includes Monica Lewinsky’s testimony that Clinton personally told her that “he had had hundreds of affairs” before the age of 40. And Dick Morris is on record saying Clinton had “hundreds of women” just during his time in the White House. Whatever the precise number, does Camerota assume that Bill Clinton conducted himself in a manner befitting the President of the United States?

Here’s The Blower’s List of Bill Clinton’s “Ignored Accusers”
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) – rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen – rape – quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely – “forced himself on her, biting, bruising her”
Kathleen Willey (WH) – sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) – sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) – sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) – sexual assault
Cristy Zercher – unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) – unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas – unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 – seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky – quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers – quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning – post incident character assault
Sally Perdue – post incident threats
Betty Dalton – rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder – apologetic note scanned

Do you think Kneepad Liberal CNN AnchorBimbo Alisyn Camerota would’ve volunteered for BJ Duty at the White House to get her own name on that list?

Although even as a hardline conservative, who clearly sides against the liberal media and Democrats' vicious antics, this partisan post gave me uneasy pause. It foams at the mouth with meaness and insults, and I'm not comfortable with anyone, even someone I largely agree with, gloatingly calling any woman a "bimbo" or speculating that she'd be "on her knees" for "BJ duty to get her own name on that list."

That's precisely the level of insults, namecalling and sexual insinuation I despise from the Democrat/Left. And whoever wrote this at Newsbusters should be ashamed of themselves. It's more than enough to say Camerota is partisanly in denial about the facts regarding Bill Clinton's well-documented predatory sexual behavior.

But it does give some insight into the relative media silence on the Biden front, given the reluctance and outright denial of proven sexual indiscretions of Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, RFK, JFK, LBJ, FDR and other prominent Democrats. No such reservation to give conerage to every half-baked rumor about Republicans like Herman Cain, Roy Moore, or Donald Trump. None of the same rules of professionalism and confirmation apply to Republicans.