Just pointing out, a month ago, the false meme sold by Democrats, was:
1) "fake border crisis" despite the overwhelming border crisis of illegal immigrants pouring over out Southern border, already exceeding 500,000 since January 1, 2019.
Just as a contrast, the entire population of my home city of Boca Raton, FL is about 100,000. If you include unincorporated suburban townships, maybe 150,000. It >>>IS<<< a crisis, and every American knows it (at least those who are not Democrat zombies who believe any liberal Newspeak that is fed to them.)

Then about 2 weeks ago, democrats started selling the meme
2) "Constitutional crisis", which was parrotted literally hundreds of times on all the liberal networks. Who all, no doubt, get their e-mailed talking-point marching orders from MediaMatters every day, so they can march in lockstep with the lying Democrat leadership, selling their false narrative.
Ironic, because as I've outlined repeatedly, Democrats are the Constitutional crisis, weaponizing the IRS, FBI, DOJ and FISA court against their political opposition, and using that illegally used power to try to prevent Trump's election, and failing that set up an "insurance policy" to depose and falsely imprison his closest staff.


Now this week, the Democrat leadership and their their loyal worker-drones in the liberal media are selling the meme of:
3) a Trump "cover-up", despite that FOUR investigations have disproven this lying narrative. To distract from what is actually happening, with the criminality of corrupt FBI and DOJ officials, key figures in the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaaign, and before it's over, key figures in the Obama administration, likely Obama himself.

There was an intelligence meeting on January 6th 2017 where intelligence heads Clapper(DNI), Brennan(CIA), and Comey(FBI) briefed incoming President Trump on the latest brief. After Clapper and Brennan left the meeting, Comey privately told Trump the first time about the Russia Dossier, that Comey described to Trump as "salacious" and unreliable. Many think Comey met with Trump privately to say this to intimidate Trump with it, and perhaps even to blackmail him. And also so once dislosed to Trump, it allowed Comey and others to leak it to the [liberal] media.

This "Russia Dossier" that Comey now described as salacious to Trump, had been used in the months prior as reliable "evidence" to submit four warrants to FISA judges, to spy on Trump officials and the broader campaign, on the Trump transition team, and on the seated Trump administration. Submitting false evidence to a federal judge is a prosecutable federal offense. The cover-up is by Comey and the Dems to save their asses, not by Trump.

Ann Coulter a long time ago said "If you want to know what the Democrats are up to, just look at what they're accusing Republicans of."
An axiom proven once again.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.