Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I watched Trump and Putin together and it was embarrassing to our country. Russia loved it. And Trump is a reality tv star. This is not a matter of belief but just the facts.

Here is a "key moments" of that joint conference of Trump with Putin in Helsinki, as collected by The Guardian, a decidedly leftist and not exactly Trump-friendly source:

Key moments from the Trump-Putin press conference

I didn't see any Trump statements that were "embarassing for our country". The most cited moment is where Trump said Putin heatedly denied 2016 Russian interference in the U.S. election, and Trump said U.S. intelligence (Dan Coates) said they believe it was the Russians who hacked the DNC server, and Trump saying "I don't see any reason why it would be", and that he took Putin's word when he denies Russian involvement.
I still say Trump's comments were no different from the polite diplomacy of W.Bush ("I looked in his eyes...") or the Obama administration ("reset", and reaching out for friendlier relations, where Obama gave away defensive missile protection of Poland and Czech Republic without even telling them!) except in Trump's case his were just diplomatic words and gave away nothing, as oposed to Obama who gave away the store.

More media and DNC collaborative spin.