And regarding the "lock her up" thing, Republicans feel that way because they are outraged that the legal equivalent of 50 H-bombs have been dropped on Trump and his staff by FBI/DOJ, and despite >>>FAR<<< more evidence against Hillary Clinton, no one up to this point would even investigate it.

As I said in other topics, in the cases of Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn and Roger Stone, they were subject to midnight raids with 20 armed FBI agents at gunpoint in a televised show (CNN called in advance, on the scene waiting before the raid began!) THESE guys had to be raided at gunpoint, to allegedly prevent them from destroying evidence.
As contrasted with Hillary Clinton and her aides, who even after being issued subpoenas for records were given months to destroy 33,000 e-mails, bleach-bit destroy computer hard-drives, and smash multiple cel phones with a hammer. No penalty, no arrest, no indictment for blatantly destroying evidence and obstructing justice.

Or how Comey and others, in private texts, and even openly boasting in House and Senate testimony, openly boasted that they contemptuously broke the FBI rules of procedure, tricked Michael Flynn into seeing FBI investigators without an attorney (one of the FBI interviewers being Peter Strzok), and they knew in advance of interviewing Flynn due to prior FISA surveillance of him every word of his conversations with the Russian ambassador. There was no question they asked Flynn that they didn't know the answer to, its only purpose was to trick him into a perjury trap. And similarly manipulated and entrapped all the other Trump officials prosecuted, and gave them the maximum sentence possible for every minor charge, to intimdate them into accepting plea bargains.
As compared with treatment of Hillary Clinton and her aides. Where FBI didn't force them to testify under oath, gave them access to not one but multiple lawyers. In the case of Cheryl Mills who was also a suspect and a witness, allowed her to represent Hillary Clinton in her interview. And the interviews were not even recorded! A violation of FBI procedure. And not only were Cheryl Mills and Houma Abedin not deposed, for no logical reason or concession of information, they were given COMPLETE IMMUNITY! Almost guaranteeing the truth they knew will never be heard.

Those are just two examples of the obscene double standard applied Trump officials vs. Hillary Clinton officials.

Now that we have an attorney general who is truly interested in justice and equal protection under the law, Hillary Clinton and her staff will for the first time be subjected to the same legal standard and not a free pass.
As will the FBI and DOJ officials who sabotaged the Hillary Clinton investigation, while falsifying evidence to federal judges for FISA warrants used to stage a political coup against Trump officials. And indictments will follow.