Hillary has appeared before Congress under oath. When interviewed by the FBI before the election, she was not under oath, and the proceedings were not recorded.

AGAIN regarding Trump's alleged obstruction: Mueller's report listed 11 cases of "possible" obstruction of justice, and left it to Barr to judge whether it rose to the level of actual obstruction.
Barr said no.
Rosenstein said no.
If Mueller's report had said Trump committed obstruction, Democrats wouldn't be having such a hissy fit about the report, and CNN and MSNBC who lied to their viewers for 2 years wouldn't have lost 50% of their audience now because they reported something that turned out not to be true.

In the case of Hillary Clinton, there are considerable financial records for her pay-to-play selling of State Department access in exchange for Clinton Foundation donations in the neighnorhood of $150 million.
Plus enormous speaking fees for both Bill and Hillary.
Plus her private e-mail server that compromised national securrity and violated State Department laws for e-mail communication.
Plus approving the Uranium One deal in exchange for more exhorbitant speaking fees in Russia.
In addition to 33,000 e-mails deleted, bleachbitted computer drives, and cel phones smashed with a hammer to hide supoenaed records from the FBI and other investigators. Much more evidence than there is against Trump.

If not for some fraudulently obtained FISA warrants, there would be no case at all against Trump and his officials. And I'm still wondering why every last bit of that evidence at this point hasn't been thrown out of court by the deceived judges who approved those FISA warrants.