Former press secretary Ari Fleischer just made a great point as a guest on Hannity:
If you're a Hollywood celebrity and you cheat to get your child into a college, that is a crime for which you are imprisoned.
If you illegally break into this country, you are not only not imprisoned for that crime, but get free college.

To my knowledge, not one of the Democrat primary candidates would do anything to stop illegal immigration. And quite the contrary, would de-criminalize crossing illegally, and kick the door open to encourage exponentially more illegal immigration.

See my post earlier to the Soros/illegal caravans topic. There are 327 million Americans right now. Gallup shows in a recent poll that another 750 million worldwide would like to immigrate, legally or illegally, to the United States, more than twice the current population. Democrats would do absolutely nothing to avert that catastrophe.

It's Rome, 400 A.D. all over again.