Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You can try to use bs rationalization WB but like I said I've seen the "go back to your own country " used by racists over the years. Telling your fellow countrymen to go back to their own countries isn't defensible. America is their country too and instead of civilly challenging different opinions our president went with a racist retort. That isn't loving your country either.

"Go back to your own country" is not necessarily racist. It's a statement of someone who doesn't assimilate, and in the case of these four women in the House, who despise America. If that is how they feel and their first loyalty is somewhere else, then by all means they should go to the place their loyalty is with, whether that is Palestine, Puerto Rico, Somalia, Russia, the U.K., France, Latin America, India, China, Pakistan, the Middle East or wherever.

There is no mention of skin color in that statement, it is simply a matter of those who value being here, and those who belong somewhere else. And many immigrants have historically and continue to contribute greatly to the United States. Those who love this country and contribute to its success as a nation. Dinesh D'Souza, for example. There is much that D'Souza says that would be considered jingoist and racist if a white person said the same thing, about the merits and superiority of European culture, and the net positive legacy of European colonialism.