Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I think it's pretty apparent who is actually hating half their country.

Yeah. The Democrats.
They portray anyone who doesn't agree 100% with their point of view as racist, bigoted, homophobic, misogynist, etc.

Democrats are completely intolerant of any views that they disagree with. If a Republican/conservative hears views they disagree with, they politely disagree and present the facts for their own dissenting views.
Democrats increasingly want to shut down any speech they disagree with as "hate speech".
CNN won't even have people on their network anymore who disagree scientifically with global warming and can present the facts to support that view!

Democrats increasingly side with muslims in anti-Israel and Antisemitic views, even a principal (a high school in my own city just today, Spanish River High School in Boca Raton) pushing holocaust denial being taught in his school!

My U.S. Representative Ted Deutch (D-FL, district 22), despite being Jewish himself and overtly pro-Israel, supports Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and that crowd of Israel haters.

As I've pointed out repeatedly, Democrats have shouted down and threatened violence to prevent conservative speakers such as Ann Coulter, Karl Rove, Yiannopoulos, Condoleezza Rice and others. They won't even allow them to be graduation commencement speakers!

On top of that, the intolerant anger and violence of the Democrat/Left, literally hundreds of attacks.

There was an incident of Antifa violence in Spokane Washington yesterday, where one Antifa guy used an automatic rifle on police, and he had to be shot to death. Antifa lionizes him as a martyr and calls for more violent Antifa attacks.
CNN and the other liberal networks won't condemn Antifa's attack. Instead openly praise Antifa.
NOT ONE of the 25 Democrat presidential 2020 candidates will condemn the attack. Who is the party of hate?
The shooter's rhetoric as he shot up the ICE facility was pretty much what verbatim Rep. Ocasio-Cortez has said in recent weeks: that ICE agents are racist and like Nazis, that ICE detention of illegals is cruel and comparable to nazi concentration camps, etc.

(In point of fact, ICE agents due to deprivation of funds by a Democrat-controlled Congress have inadequate funds and supplies, and bring in food, clothing and toys for detained illegal children paid for out of their own salaries. Yes! Just like the Nazis! Democrats really do a disservice to these caring and selfless agents, extending kindness to illegals in detention NOT given by the Democrat leadership. )

The hate is all on the Democrat side. Republicans are willing to have a dialogue, the Democrats are not. And far beyond that, the Democrat/Left tries to intimidate into silence their Republican opposition. THAT, my friend, is hating half the country.