Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Obama unlike Trump was elected by popular vote twice with no help from Putin. Even after all this time I don't really understand the cultural Marxist label but you have no problem with Trump's lies and shady connections. You have an edge here as I really don't hate Melania and won't spend the time attacking her like you do when the First Lady is a democrat. Btw I thought Trump was awful when he was a democrat and a reality show star.

AGAIN: The Putin slander has been completely disproven by FOUR federal investigations. You don't seriously believe Putin caused Trump to be elected. Hillary Clinton had a 2 billion dollar campaign, vs. Trimp's 600 million campaign. And the Russians invested about $100,000 on internet ads, that someone had to click on to even see. Tucker Carlson said that the average car dealership spends more on ads than the Russians did in the 2016 election.

Pure Democrat slander.

And as the above Larry King interview from 2005 demonstrates, the majority of Democrats and the liberal media gusshed over Trump, right up to the day he announced he was running for president. At which point he became the ultimate evil for Democrats.
Same with Mitt Romney.
Same with McCain.

I see a pattern here. Democrats so prone to slander that they consistently demonize the most bipartisan and moderate people the Republicans offer. I've said it before, that Trump is definitely someone Democrats could work with and get a lot of what they want, but they would rather spite him, just to deny him any accomplishments or victories.

Regarding disliking first ladies, Melania Trump is not ideological, whereas Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton are deeply committed Cultural Marxist revolutionaries. If you don't understand what that means, just read the profiles I've linked of each many times.

I have an intense dislike for Hillary Clinton for the damage she's done to the country, and for the maany people whose lives she's ruined, just because they got in her way. Travelgate is a good example. She fired and deeply slandered innocent people who were apolitical and honorable, just so she could give their jobs to political cronies. Early in her career she defended a rapist and got him off knowong he was guilty, and gloated and laughed about it. Was fired by Watergate investigators in 1973, and was so unethical and vile even to the Demcorats she worked for that they wouldn't give her a job recommendation after that.

As for Michelle Obama, this article early on shaped my opinion of her.

So, instead, we get glimpses. The most profound influence in his life, his wife Michelle, is notoriously less circumspect than her careful husband about where she's coming from. Her college thesis, which Princeton tried to keep under lock and key, testifies to a race-obsessed worldview. She may have refined it, but she's never grown out of it.

After four years at one of America's most esteemed academic institutions, Michelle recoiled at the thought of "further integration and/or assimilation into a white cultural and social structure that will only allow me to remain on the periphery of society; never becoming a full participant." That the sky has been the limit for her, that she has managed to ride the "periphery" from Princeton to Harvard Law School, to one of the country's top law firms, and to a plethora of prestigious institutional positions, has not much altered her perspective. Through the windows of her mansion on Chicago's south side, American society still appears as a caste system.

The United States, she says, is "just downright mean." Never, prior to her husband's presidential run, had she had a reason to feel proud of it, she told a campaign throng. But by last November, with Barack's pursuit of the brass ring catching momentum, she suddenly got plenty proud. And confident: so much so that she was moved to tell MSNBC, "Black America will wake up and get it" -- unite and carry him over the finish line.

Someone who is ideologically poisonous and dangerous in a position of power. Fortunately she was only the first lady, where she was mostly limited to charity events and couldn't do as much damage.

I don't have the same animosity toward Democrat first ladies like Lady Bird Johnson or Rose Carter. Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama are a different breed, deeply ideological, deeply radicalized, and dangerous in positions of power.