Originally Posted By: the G-man
The camel toe ruins it. In a drawing of woman defying basic physics and photonics that is the most unbelievable thing, namely, that anyone would wear a costume that rides up like that.

You don't think many women flaunt their sexuality in real life with their clothing choices, just to drive us guys nuts?

I rarely wear spandex exercise clothing, but when I first did, I became aware of how much less modest women have to be, to wear body-fitting tight clothing like that, virtually any women's clothing, even shy women. Women I think love showing themselves off in clothing like that.

Regarding the "Midnight 2" one you commented on, as I recall the artist said it was commissioned as a DVD cover for a straight-to-video very low-budget horror movie.

Tyler is a good artist, but if I strained to make a complaint, it's that he seems to borrow from a lot of other artists. Especially Wrightson, and Kelley Jones. And Tim Vigil, more so in his earlier work.