One Republican congressman, Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) to Mueller in hearings today:
"The President is definitely not above the law. And damn sure shouldn't be below the law, where this second volume of your report puts him."

A reference to the lying Democrat talking point mantra the last few weeks, that "Trump is above the law", and allegedly evading justice only because he is president (when in truth there is no evidence against him to verify the "collusion" and "obstruction" allegations, as concluded by FOUR investigations, including the Mueller report.)

And also reference to Mueller saying, in the speech announcing the Mueller report months ago, that he "cannot certify Trump's innocence", where in truth it was never Mueller's job to certify Trump's innocence.
As special prosecutor, it was only Mueller's job deteermine if there was a case to prosecute Trump, and there was not a case Mueller could make against Trump. Despite Mueller's twisting of the law in his 448 page report. The U.S. legal standard is innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent. And Trump should be no exception to that standard.