Mueller really destroyed himself in the hearings yesterday, and I think this is the end of the Mueller-led push for Trump impeachment.

Even before the Mueller hearings yesterday, independent-voters believing evidence warrants impeachment hearings dropped from 27% to 22% from June to July, among independents.
And then Mueller's incompetent performance in the hearings yesterday further lowers the crediblility of Mueller and House Democrats pushing for impeachment.

Further beyond that, the partisanship of Mueller and FBI/DOJ investigators falsifying evidence and vindictively pushing criminaal prosecution for Trump officials, while simultaneously at every turn giving a free pass to Hillary Clinton officials for the same false or erroneous statements. And FBI and DOJ prior to that deliberately falsifying evidence to obtain FISA surveillance warrants to spy on Trump officials.
FBI inspector general Horowitz, and U.S. attorney Durham will release their reports and calls for indictments of those framing Trump over the next few months. And it will be they, not Trump officials, who will be going to jail.

And perfectly timed to inflict maximum damage to the Democrats who lyingly called for Trump's impeachment for over 2 years now, based on false evidence. Damage they have done to themselves, as we move into the 2020 election. Perfect!

Those bombs the Democrats set will keep going off in their faces, right up till election day. Even the likes of Bill Maher and Michael Moore are railing on the lying Dems, and telling them at this point to "STFU" already.