Just pointing out, the Democrat leadership and liberal media have engaged in a joint propaganda campaign to label Trump a racist for the last week over the El Paso shooting, lyingly alleging Trump has engaged in "racist" attacks on hispanics, and is thus responsible for the shooter's massacre.
Despite that the shooter in his manifesto and online posts is a radical environmentalist who opposes ALL immigration, and actually wanted to lower the U.S. population for environmental protection reasons. That the shooter actually criticized Trump for allowing LEGAL merit-based immigration,
And that Trump has never made sweeping racist comments about ALL hispanics, or all immigrants, only illegal immigrants.

And meanwhile, a feeding frenzy of Democrats like...

Beto O'Rourke,
Julian Castro(and Republican-donor-"doxing" brother Joaquin Castro),
Diane Feinstein,
Nancy Pelosi,
Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez,
Rashida Tlaib,
Al Green,
Veronica Escobar (who replaced Beto O'Rourke for the El Paso district)

...who all get out the long knives to call Donald Trump a hispanic-hating racist, based on no spoken words by Trump that exist to be quoted have given up any call whatsoever to remove blackface/KKK-robed Governor Ralph Northam in Virginia.
Or his date-raping Lieutenant Governor Fairfax.
Or his other admitted blackface-wearing third in the succession line.

There is hypocrisy running wild on the Democrat side.
And utter shamelessness.
Would that the liberal media would call them on it.