Justin Trudeau blames privileged upbringing for wearing blackface as new video as third racist incident emerges

Man... you just can't make this stuff up.
Liberal hypocrisy again, on full display.
Tucker Carlson had a fantastic commentary tonight, comparing Trudeau to the likes of Ralph Northam, and how Democrats and the liberal media either selectively ignore or excuse the unexcusable. And conversely, how they call for the blood of Megyn Kelly or Trump no metter how sincerely they apologize for the slightest identity politics insensitivity.

I find it amazing that the Democrat/Left eats this crap up and actually believes it, as their side lies to them over and over. And that virtually no one is watching CNN or MSNBC any more.
Or reading the New York Times lying narrative about Brett Kavanaugh...

How do these morons not realize they're being lied to?