Another standard tactic by the Democrat/Left:
When Democrats are guilty of something, accuse Republicans of doing the same thing, and the complicit liberal media will focus completely on the allegations about Republicans, and no longer cover the allegations against Democrats, despite that Democrats are the ones who are truly guilty of these things.

One pundit, I think Dan Heninger of the Wall Street Journal, called this tactic a kind of political Ju-Jitsu. In Ju-Jitsu, one fights by taking their opponent's size and strength and using it against them.

In political terms, the strength of Republicans is they are over many decades very pro-military, unquestionably more pro-military than Democrats, stronger on defense spending and national security.
Conversely, the Democrats since the 1940's and 1950's the party that's soft on communism, and especially since the late 1960's have been the anti-war/anti-military party. John Kerry and the Clintons are prime examples of this. Both rabidly protested the war and slandered Vietnam veterans as war criminals. Ted Kennedy negotiated with the Soviets behind Ronald Reagan's back, to try and get the Russians not to make a nuclear peace agreement with Reagan. They undermined national security.

More recently, Hillary Clinton's lack of regard for national security with:
1) her illegal non-secured private ee-mail server, that left her e-mail communication ripe for the hacking by the Russians and Chinese every day she was secretary of state.
2) The Uranium one deal, that gave the Russians 50% of the U.S. uranium supply.
3) Bill and Hillary Clinton's making hundreds of millions in foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation, and for exhorbitant speaking fees, sold in exchange for giving these foreign nationals special access to State Department, and exchanged favors in fast-tracking foreign State Department requests (see Peter Schweitzer's book Clinton Cash, and documentary by the same name).
4) Hillary Clinton talking tough about fighting illegal immigration publicly, but at a videotaped secret meeting with Clinton supporters in Brazil saying what she truly wants is "an open borders western hemisphere", that obviously compromises U.S. national security.
5) Hillary Clinton's and Obama's negligence that resulted in the 9-11-2012 attack on the Benghazi embassy, despite repeated requests for increased security by the Libyan ambassador. The location and actions of both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama remain unknown and a secret. But they told military forces that could have rescued embassy staff to stand down. Only because CIA officers disobeyed orders was there a rescue of embassy personnel, so that only 4 died instead of 40 or 50. The Democrats lied about what happened, created a false narrative about an anti-islamic Youtube video to win the 2012 election, and suppressed every effort to investigate and punish those responsible both within the Obama administration, and the terrorists themselves.
6) 50 years of Democrat contempt for national security and hostility toward our military, that Hillary Clinton was a part of since the Vietnam War. While Bill Clinton was president, Hillary Clinton had such contempt for our military that she would not allow uniformed officers in the White House, they had to wear business suits. And needless to say, the Democrats for 5 decades have been weak on military defense and undermined every war effort since the Vietnam war. Under George W. Bush in 2004, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats wanted to de-fund our military in Iraq, to force Bush to remove our troops in defeat. In spite of Democrats, W.Bush was committed to fighting and winning that war, and won it in 2008-2009. After Bush left Office, Obama squandered that victory and enabled the murderous rise of ISIS that conquered half of Iraq in 2012. Obama sat on his hands while ISIS slaughtered tens of thousands, and sent millions of refugees to the U.S. and Europe. And ISIS conquest that Trump with a change in policy vigorously destroyed in 18 months.

That's an overwhelming record of Democrat negligence (at best), and even complete disregard for national security and our military. Arguably a visible leftist hatred for the country itself, and deliberate of its military power, its energy independence, diplomatic influence, and its very sovereignty.

So how do Democrats overcome this?

With deceit, and orchestrating an act of political Ju-Jitsu. They accuse Trump of "Russian collusion",cooperating with the Russians to win an election. And the complicit liberal media leaps on and carpet bombs the public with that narrative, taking all the oxygen away from the ACTUAL Russia collusion by the DNC/Hillary Clinton campaign/Glenn Simpson/Fusion GPS/Christopher Steele and their paying millions directly to Russian agents in creation of their "Russia Dossier" to smear Trump. The media pushing this narrative hides the crimes of the Demcorats, and also hides 70 years of the Democrats ignoring warnings and enabling Russian/Communist U.S. infiltration and Soviet military aggression.

The two names I've heard as the architects of the "Russia collusion" narrative are John Podesta and John Brennan.

The "Russia collusion" narrative died with the Mueller report in April 2019. Then in its death throes as Democrats tried to resurrect it, it died a second and even more humiliating death with Robert Mueller's testimony before Congress a few months later. Despite many other attempts to resurrect it with congessional hearings with John Dean (another humiliation for Democrats), and then Corey Lewandowski (anothe humiliation for Democrats).

So what to do for Democrats?

Another act of political Ju-Jitsu, to distract from Democrat failures and to put Trump back on the defensive.

And for the last month, we now have "Russia Collusion 2.0": Accuse Trump of treason with a manufactured "whistleblower report", but clearly orchestrated by the same deep state forces that gave us the "Russia Dossier" and the first investigation, by means of:
1) a super-secret change of "whistleblower report" rules to allow other than firsthand observation, altered from deep in the bowels of John Brennan's CIA, the who where and when of the changes made still unknown in origin.
2) An CIA agent anonymous whistleblower and Biden/Democrat partisan, using third-person hearsay, attacking president Trump on a secretly CIA-altered "whistleblower form.
3) nRequired to be submitted in 5 days, but was crafted in 18 days. Supposed to be submitted bipartisanly to Democratsand Republicans jointly in the House judiciary committee, but was crafted for 18 days secretly by Rep. Adam Schiff's office, who didn't just receive the "whitleblower report, but helped the CIA whistleblower/rat craft it for 18 days for maximum damage to Trump. Adam Schiff's office, who even selected the whistleblower/rat's lawyer for him (and the lawyer is another guy connected to the deep state CIA),
4) and then Schiff lied about his office's previously meeting the whistleblower/rat and orchestrating at every step his accusation!
5) That two on Adam Schiff's staff are former White House staffers, who recently were hired to Schiff's office in the months before the "whistleblower" allegations began.

In that tradition of those two "Russia Collusion" and "Collusion 2.0" political Ju-Jitsu attacks, yet another Ju-Jitssu attack that is probably a minor blip by comparison, but in the same template, of the Democrat/establishment/deep state accusing Trump once again of what they themselves are guilty of:

He's another swamp/establishment guy, who was fired by Trump for incompetence that got veterans killed at the VA due to negligent care and doctored records, that manipulated statistics so that despite bad care, VA executives still got their bonuses!
He has a clear axe to grind against Trump, for having fired him.

And then he has the audacity to talk about a "shadow government" in the Trump administration. This is again to mask that the Democrat/Left are truly the shadow government, who are trying to destroy our constitutional democracy and replace it with a Democrat authoritarian system that is subservient to globalists and a global government, such as George Soros.

The book The Shadow Government by David Horowitz and Richard Poe lays down all the evidence and history of the Democrat/Left's 50-year "long march" (reference to the patience of those who crafted the 1949 Communist seizure of China) to seize power over the United States.
They had it locked up with Hillary Clinton in 2016. And the reason they are so hell-bent on destroying Trump is because he prevented them from putting the final nails in America's coffin.

The Shadow Party was published in 2006. In the book, Hillary Clinton was then presumed to be the inevitable candidate in 2008, but was obviously usurped by Obama for 8 years. All the things said about the insurrectionist Democrat/Left have remained as true, if not more true, in the 2016 election and the years since. It lays out perfectly how George Soros and the Democrat/left have used insurrectionate tactics to overthrow governments worldwide, using the same fake grass roots "resistance" movements we are now seeing in the U.S., groups like Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the Open Borders movement.

Tactics the globalist Left have used to overthrow governments worldwide, that they have now perfected in other countries and have brought home to unleash on the United States.

Slander attacks of political Ju-Jitsu are just another tactic in the deceitful Democrat/Left's arsenal. It ultimately is a variation of this one:

 Originally Posted By: Moscow Central Committee, 1943
Members and front organizations must continually embarass, discredit and degrade our critics. When obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascist, or Nazi, or anti-Semitic... The association will, after enough repetition, become "fact" in the public mind.

I've increasingly seen there is a lot of shared ideology and goals of globalism and Soviet-style world communist revolution. And as seen in the leftist organizers who orchestrated the Arab Spring a few years ago, globalists and communist/leftists also share anti-Western goals with islamic jihadists. But a rose by any other name, under whateve ideological flag, they share the use of slander, intimidation, violence and leftist fake-grassroots resistance groups to overthrow our republic. As Soros and his worldwide organization has have previously overthrown many other countries. Techniques they perfected elsewhere, before bringing their revolution here.