I'm sorry that your uncle had to die so young, Dave. And that the war caused you to lose the opportunity to meet him.

Knowledge of how many died in two world wars at a very young age, and later wars like Korea and Vietnam, reminds us all how fortunate we are to have grown up in the era we did, to not have to die, either as soldiers or as civilians, in devastating wars.

"On the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month, the guns fell silent. Lest we forget."

(Of course, everyone did, and keeps forgetting.)

In the United States (up until the Cultural Marxist revisionists took over our education system, anyway) virtually everyone was familiar with that World War I poem, and remembered Armistice day on Nov 11th by recalling that line.

Craig Russell did a nice job with that poem in one of the two volumes of 9-11 tribute stories:


Among many great contributions.