Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
We might have been the wrong age for Vertigo when it debuted WB. I could see if it had hit when I was 14 being more into it than say 21. It was selling itself as being more hip and mature to the underage in part I think. Reading comics wasn't really socially acceptable when and where I went to school but I did see Vertigo probably changing that somewhat.

Yeah, I recognize that to a large extent it's a generational thing, and the Vertigo line is aimed at a more Generation X and Millennial audience, that doesn't resonate for me.

I'll say this for the Vertigo line, it was the first time I saw hot looking women visiting a comic store. One time this amazing looking brunette came in the store I frequented at the time in Boca, and after she left, the comic shop guy at the counter said he loved when the new SANDMAN issue came out every month and he knew she'd be in to pick it up.
Although across the board, comics have become more hip, and at every convention I've been to in the last 15 years there's gorgeous girls walking around the dealer room in ssuper sexy cosplay costumes. That definitely wasn't the case in the 1970's and 1980's.