Some good news on the immigration front:

[] About 2 months ago, border-apprehension of illegals had lowered to the point that Border Patrol has ended the backlog, and ended "catch-and-release". Illegals apprehended now remain in camps under guard for several months until their "refugee status" case is heard in court.

[] As a result, border apprehensions are down 90% since July, as it has dis-incentivized illegals to even attempt to break our laws.

[] Of the often-fraudulent "refugee status" appeals made, only 0.4% (that's four/tenths of 1%) are successfully getting refugee status to enter the U.S. successfully. This is despite the army of Soros-funded lawyers in Mexico coaching these illegals how to lie and allege things that aren't true to fraudulently gain refugee status, by alleging fear of violence and gangs, rather than just wanting to earn better money in the U.S.
And we know those are the true reasons, because economic opportunity was the reason they all honestly said, until the caravans began and the Soros-funded lawyers began teaching them to lie and say otherwise.

OAN had an immigration special where they said 78% of illegals who come in through Mexico immediately go on welfare. Against the lying Democrat narrative that they are fronting, that illegals contribute to and grow our economy.
As I said, for 2018, the cost of illegals to taxpayers was $138 billion.
And will be much higher this year with the much higher number of illegals crossing in 2019, even with the reduced illegals crossings in the last 5 months, already approzimately 1,120,000, and the year's not over.

When Republicans once again have majorities in both the House and Senate after Nov 2019, we can finally end Democrat obstruction, and fully secure our border, and end all the loopholes Democrats enable.