Yeah, and long overdue. Soleimani has been in in charge of Iran's Quds force since 1998. He's been responsible for the armored vehiclee-piercing roadside bombs that have killed about 650 U.S. soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, and injured or maimed about 2,000 more. He's led the Iran-sponsored terrorism throughout the Middle East region, and is responsible for tens of thousands of other Arab deaths.
Long overdue.

I love how a month ago Democrats like Adam Schiff and Joseph Biden were pissing all over themselves that Trump was compromising security in Syria by removing U.S. forces (this would be the same Syria that Obama let ISIS run wild in for 3 years of his administration, where these same Democrats said nothing?)
And now whiplash-flipping 180 degrees opposite, these same Democrats are hysterical that Trump is over-reacting with excessive force that will get the U.S. "into another war". By Trump simply responding to decades of escalating provocation by Iran, and taking out Gen. Soleimani, the guy responsible, who has been a designated terrorist since 2005. Democrats Murphy, Schiff and Biden have all made irresponsible comments, that could just as easily have been an Iran/Quds Force press release.