That's hilarious, that you and Nowhereman worked together to come up with that Downfall video. I've never seen the actual movie, but I've seen half a dozen similar edited clip versions.

That professor who got fired over it probably doesn't even understand its Snarfy origins and what it was truly about. Too bad we can't invite her to post here on the RKMB's.

It seems unbelievably excessive that they'd fire her just for posting that video. But then, everyone knows that university faculty are the epicenter of Political Correctness and the social justice warrior overkill mentality.

This much from the article is encouraging:

And yet "there were people laughing," one student told The Chronicle of Higher Education. "There were some people who were kind of indifferent. They didn't really care. There were some people that, like, you could tell they were a little bit uneasy about it."

"People sort of realized that that was a little over the top, maybe, for the classroom," said another. "But generally, people laughed pretty hard at it [the video]. I certainly did."

and especially:

Dean Anne Massey removed Lowry from her teaching position and attended the class's next session to inform students. Many took the news poorly, shouting "bring back [Lowry]." They eventually walked out in protest.