I linked to this so it will update as the outbreak progresses.

This became public knowledge in late December 2019. Initially it was 60-80 deaths and about 3,000 known cases.
2 days ago, it was 150 known deaths and 8,000 known cases.
Now 305 known deaths and about 14,000 known cases.

While it initially appeared that China had been forthcoming and cooperative with world health organizations from the beginning, it has been increasingly clear that China knew about this outbreak as far back as a year ago, and did not make the rest of the world aware until the epidemic ceased to remain only inside China's borders.

In fact, Chinese doctors who revealed details earlier in their social media accounts in an effort to make the Chinese public aware, were severely punished by the Chinese government, in the Chinese government's efforts to keep the Coronaviris outbreak secret as long as possible.

On the plus side, against the hyperbolic coverage in the media, Coronavirus has been fatal in a relatively small number of cases, about a 0.03% rate of death in all cases. In most cases killing those with already compromised and very fragile immune systems.

And of cases in the U.S., there are currently only 8 confirmed cases, with many hundreds of others recently arriving back from China in quarantine for up to 14 days (although for reasons I don't understand, most are only being quarantined for 3 days instead of the full potential 14 day incubation period).
And no fatalities in the U.S.
So far as I know, all the fatalities have only occurred in China, no other nation that deaths have spread to.

On the downside, there has been 1 case in the U.S. where a wife transferred it to her husband, that might indicate it is more contagious then previously believed. But as I understand it, the husband had weakened immunity, and chose to spend a lot of time exposed to his wife even when she was already symptomatic. So possibly that caused him to be infected where others would not be.

And the normal flu virus kills tens of thousands in the U.S. annually, and therefore at present would be more reasonably feared in the U.S. than Coronavirus.