On top of that, a few days ago Bloomberg who didn't qualify for the debates, but he made a huge donation to the DNC, and all of a sudden he's on the stage with the frontrunners!
And people like Cory Booker and other minority candidates who couldn't qualify and were given no flexibility to be on stage in past debates, are raising hell against their own party for being bought off by Bloomberg, who for the right amount they could make an exception.
Complaints of elitism, and of possible racism, from the excluded candidates.

And again the race-obsessed Democrats bemoaning the exclusion of any candidates of color, and backhaandedly their hatred of whites, who they view with contempt as the remaining candidates. Once again the Democrats show their true face. And it's one that screams for the marginalization of white America. It won't be long till they express the same hatred for white Demcorat voters that they already do for white Democrat candidates, and needless to say their long expressed hatred for white Republicans, particularly those in MAGA hats. Way to go, Dems! Way to further alienate another huge swath of your voter-base.

They just can't help themselves.

It's going to be another November like 1972 or 1984. Such fun to stand in the sidelines and watch the Democrats destroy themselves, and ravenously eat their own.