Over 24 hours after the Iowa Caucus, and the Democrats still haven't counted all the votes.

With 62% counted at this time, the results are:


And at the children's table:


Subject to change, not fully counted, but that's the best the Dems have to offer so far.

Most incredible for me is Biden had the field to himself in Iowa for the last 2 weeks, with all major competitors (Sanders, Warren and Klobuchar) required to be Washington DC for the Senate impeachment trial. And even with that advantage, this is the best Biden could do!

Also interesting that the billionaires (Steyer and Bloomberg), for all their expensive advertising, are both circling the drain at less than 1%.

I'm just so incensed at this entire 2020 Democrat field at this point, that I could never vote for any of them.

They side against
* our police,
* against our military,
* against border patrol and securing our borders.
* Every 2020 candidate onstage raised their hand for de-criminalizing illegal immigrants,
* all support giving illegals taxpayer-funded health insurance (something many U.S. taxpayers don't have, but they want the uninsured to insure illegals!),
* all want to wreck our fossil-feul energy sector (right when Trump has made us economically independent and unreliant on the Middle East/OPEC for the first time in 70 years, and therefore able to leave behind wars in the Middle East.)
* And Every Democrat on stage is down for nationalized/socialized healthcare that will wreck our private healthcare system that 180 million Americans are happy with.

Score another win for the Bolshevik party. With a platform that no one wants to vote for except the hardest left wing of the Democrat party. Driving away the Democrat middle class. The Reagan Democrats are now once again Trump Democrats.
Thanks Dems!

On a personal level I actually like a few of the Democrat candidates.

Delaney who dropped out this week is a sane pragmatic voice (like James Webb in 2016) who could get no traction in this party.
Tim Ryan at least gave lip service to moderate positions.
Andrew Yang I think is an intelligent guy with some good ideas (unfortunately intertwined with some crazy left ideas).
Amy Klobuchar, has a track record of accomplishments, but again endorses the crazy-left agenda.
Tulsi Gabbard I respect as someone who has served in our military, and again thinks outside the box, at least on foreign policy, and is therefore attacked by her fellow establishment Democrats, most noteworthy by Hillary Rodent Clinton. But again: open borders, amnesty, healthcare for illegals, the whole crazy nine yards.

Politically, every one of these candidates have demonstrated themselves to be one with the maniacs who would destroy the country: Open borders, amnesty for illegals, FREE HEALTH CARE for illegals, reversing the securing of our border, sanctuary cities, de-funding our military, capitulating to China, eliminating ICE, wrecking our energy industry, further wrecking healthcare, on and on.

If Trump were only a president on a par with G.H.W. Bush, W. Bush the younger, or candidates like McCain or Romney, he would still be the only palatable choice relative to the maniacs the Boshevik party is offering us.
But how much more preferable is Trump who is quantifiably the most accomplished president in at least 50 years in categories across the board?