Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Actually it wasn’t meant to be a size related comparison but I saw mini me as a failed copy of the evil villain in Austin Powers. That’s Pence. And your quote about Pence worrying that Pelosi was ripping the constitution shows his insincerity. He’s willing to say something untrue and it’s okay because it’s about a democrat. You can heap all the phony partisan praise on that garbage but he’s still gonna stink.

Insults... unsupported by facts.

Pence is by all appearances a very devout conservative Christian. He's not the most exciting guy, but he definitely seems very sincere in his faith and desire to do good in the world. The liberal media made fun of him a year or so ago because he said he loves his wife and won't spend time alone with other women to endanger that marriage! Wow, what a terrible guy.

For the Democrat/Left, conservative or sincere devout Christian = bad.

But criminal illegal immigrants, open borders, abortion on demand, forcing Christians to act against their faith to fund abortion or other fforced participation in gay culture, weakening our national defense to a level that endangers our soldiers, millions of new illegal immigrants annually, ALL = good.

Don't misunderstand me, gays, or whoever, have a right to their lifestyle. But they don't have a right to force their lifestyle choices on those who don't share their beliefs. To destroy conservative communities by forcing them to participate in failed liberal policy.
Like forcing taxpayers who want our borders secured to pay for illegals immigrants' housing and healthcare, thus encouraging more off them that were unwanted int he first place. Or forcing a Christian baker or photographer to cater a gay wedding. Or forcing residents in California or New York to pay the cost and live among homeless people who are pooping and urinating in the streets, and burglarizing homes and cars of the residents forced to live among them. To put conservative citizens at risk of diseases from hepatitis to bubonic plague, diseases not seen in close to a century in the U.S., if ever. Cultural decline all rising from insane liberal policy.

A free society is where Christians have a right to their lifestyle choices and traditions that work, and gays and other liberals have a right to their social experiments that ddon't work. But from Obama forward, Christians and conservatives are demonized and forced to participate in things they don't agree with, and don't like the consequences of.
Even in beautiful Boca Raton, "Section 8" housing subsidizes absolute scum and drug addicts in really nice neighborhoods. The poor, illegal immigrants, juvenile delinquents, a few years aago a drug dealer who was selling out of my building. I know because one afternoon I just parked my car and two police officers asked me about him. In a very nice residential community, I've seen things you wouldn't believe. Things we pay good money to live in a nice community to not be exposed to.
I was talking to a client a few months ago who lives in an intercoastal neighborhood with multimillion-dollar homes, she was really pissed that there are homes right across the street from her with government subsidized rehab halfway houses, and on weeknights she is often awakened at 11 or midnight by residents of an adjacent halfway house rehab residents, drug addicts coming outside to talk loudly and smoke cigarrettes at all hours.
I've had several in my condo development who were a problem before they moved out or were evicted. In 2015, I drove home from my girlfriends, and there was an army of cops with police dogs going house to house looking for an known drug trafficker/murderer, with several police helicopters with searchlights roaring overhead. It was about 11 PM, and I was not allowed in, and had to go to a bar/restaurant for about 2 hours, until they finally let me come home my second time at the gate. I've never seen anything like that.

If liberals want these things, let them live among it. But don't force conservatives to give up our way of life, and conform to a drug-addicted, secularist, homeless-filth-laden, utopia your policies create. That create decadent parasites and treat drug addicts and illegals and homeless scum better than honest citizens. Even liberals are leaving places like California and New York, and spreading their poisonous liberal ideology to places like Nevada, Colorado, Texas and Florida. South Florida has become a hub of expensive government subsidized drug rehab centers. And it is turning this place to a left-wing socialist hellhole of bad policy.
Leaving work or the day in a very nice area, several times a week I find I.V needles in the parking lot near my car. Twice in the last 3 years police have found an overdosed addict dead in their car. This is in Boca Raton, one of the richest cities in America!

So... screw your opinion of Mike Pence. If there were 160 million Mike Pences in the United States, the problems that have risen in cities across America the last 15 years would not exist, thanks to your oh-so-enlightened non-conservative non-Christian socialist experiments that don't work. Don't force us to join your plan for unwitting self-destruction.

Pence and Trump are attempting to restore sanity after 8 years of unbelievable Obama decline. If Democrats were in power to expand the chaos they've already created, it would be national suicide.