Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
lol, I guess you’re admitting you’re a hypocrite over Clinton? Or maybe you feel Bill should have had Hillary working on a peace plan instead?

The points that you either don't get or deliberateely dodged, are

1) that you and other Dems had no problem with appointing family, for decades by Democrats, and now that a Republican appoints Kushner and Ivanka, sunndenly you have a problem with that.

2) That unlike Hillary or RFK, Ivanka and Kushner are not abusing their power in a bullying and authoritarian way, the way Hillary did with healthcare, and RFK did to serve his family's interests. I've saaid it before, both JFK an LBJ used FBI to surveeil theirr enemies, and IRS to harass and audit their enemies. I read that Nixon was a bit astonished that he was investigated, for things it was common knowledge the two presidents preceding him had prteviously done without consequences.

3) Ivanka and Kushner, like Donaald Trump himself, take no salaries for their work, it is truly public service, without any personal gain. In point of fact, the Turmp family has taken a personal loss, and thus sacrificed to serve the public.

4) Unlike Hillary in particular, Ivanka and Kushner are yielding magnificent results from their work, to the benefit of the American public and the world. Ivanka established the contacts that secured the release of thousands of non-violent offenders to be released from prison and given a second chance at life. Ivanka has worked with businesses to create apprentice programs that will provide millions with a career path and better lives.

 Originally Posted By: M E M

Oh and your party worked like hell to poison that healthcare plan. We could have had people getting better coverage a long time ago. Now we have Obamacare anyways. (more popular than Trump, lol).

Lying scapegoatism on your part. Obamacare was already "poisoned" and failing before Trump was inaugurated. As I've cited maany times, Obamacare was designed by Obama and its architects to fail, so that when Hillary was presumed to be the next president, she could enact spending for nationalized insurance to replace it, destroying any vestiges of private healthcare. Like everything the Bolshevik Democrats do, it was forged in deception, and relied on the deception of the American public to implement it.
Or as Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber termed it, on "the stupidity of the American voter."

Yours is truly the party that hates America.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
And bankruptcy and charity fraud are not selling points for Trump. Of course with this job he can just run up the deficit. Soaring btw . And Trump has a long unflattering history of bad business and deceit that you ignore.

The deficit is roughly the same as when Obama was in office. The majority of it for rebuilding our military that Obama destroyed. As I said prior, there were more deaths from military training accidents or inadequate field preparedness than there were deaths from actual combat when Trump was inaugurated.
50% of U.S. military aircraft were not combat ready.
Despite enormous defense obligations, our military was dangerously unprepared.

I suspect the kind of cuts necessary to balance the budget would have prevented Trump getting a second term, and that he will go after that in his second term, now that the military is restored.

Trump has already accomplished more than any president in at least 50 years, I cut him some slack for not tackling debt reduction in his first term. His focus was on more immediate problems left fo him by Obama.

As I already explored, Trump's temporary bankruptcy, 30 years ago, is a risk of any business, particularly something as high-finance as real estate. Trump has 4 $billion now, and has brought about $12 trillion in growth to the U.S. economy and the American people since his inauguration.