Transcribed interview, from Mark Levin's one hour weekly program Life, Liberty, Levin, Dec 8, 2019, interviewing attorney Alan Dershowitz, on the eve of impeachment:

Mark Levin: Should President Trump be impeached?

Alan Dershowitz: It would be unconstitutional for President Trump to be impeached on the current record. It would be an utter abuse of the power of Congress. The Constitution sets out four criteria for impeaching a president. Treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors. Unless one of those criteria is met, Congress does not have the authority to impeach, and if they do, their impeachment would be void. Alexander Hamilton said any act of Congress that is inconsistent with the Constitution is void. Now, Congress maybe can get away with impeaching because there won't be judicial review. But that doesn't mean they wouldn't be violating their oath of office. They would be abusing their power if they impeached President Trump on this record.


Mark Levin: So, Professor Dershowitz, in the end now, what is your greatest concern?

Alan Dershowitz: The death of civil liberties, the diminution of due process, the fact that the hard left, particularly people who have causes, have turned against fundamental liberty. You know, it was Eric Hoffa, the one said “every cause starts as a movement, that it becomes a business. Ultimately, it degenerates into a racket.” And I'm trying to protect the #MeToo movement from becoming a racket. And I want to protect due process. That's why I'm standing up for President Trump's rights. I think we live in an age where the end justifies the means. And if you're a radical feminist, you know, if somebody is accused, he must be guilty. If you're a radical Democrat, you know, if he's President Trump, he must be guilty. And so we have to fight to preserve our basic due process and our basic and fundamental concern for free speech.

The most respected legal mind in the country. Democrats loved him when he was defending Bill Clinton. They loved him when he was attacking George W. Bush's acts as president. But now that he's applying the same standard to defending President Trump, they turn on Dershowitz and try to de-legitimize him. They promote any slander of Dershowitz, in the hope that it will delegitimize him. They won't even invite him to speaking events and parties!

Just more evidence that Democrats have become the Bolshevik party. Slander, intimidation, violence, whatever serves the party is moral. Whatever doesn't serve the party is immoral. And they are perfectly willing and eager to eat their own if they dissent from the party line.