Multiple inspector general reports have been publicly disclosed, citing dozens of violations of protocol by FBI and DOJ agents, falsified FISA warrants, perjury, on and on, and yet still no prosecutions.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Hannity: Dems wasting time, resources on more possible investigations
- Feb 13, 2020

A great comparison of Roger Stone's strained perjury conviction, compared to the DOZENS of Democrats, Attorney generals, FBI, DOJ and others that are not even investigated, let alone prosecuted or sentenced.
The hypocrisy and double-standard on full display.

Hannity sums up well the blatant crims, and how time after time Republicans are maliciously prosecuted and Democrats always seem to slip off the hook.

An obscene double-standard.

The Mueller invstigators knew early on there was no case for Russia collusion by Trump, but stretched it for 2 years, using the allegations to damage Trump and win a Democrat House majority in the Nov 2018 mid-term election.

Another example is former Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK), a very popular incumbent who was ruined and pushed out of office by an investigation and prosecution. AFTER the election was over, the ruling was overturned, and he was vindicated. But it still allowed a Democrat to replace him as Senator, and that cannot be reversed.