Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Your bias naturally makes it seem unequal but republicans are now just permanently investigating Clinton and investigating investigations. Compare Stone’s sentence recommendation to what Susan McDougal got. She didn’t threaten anybone’s life. She didn’t lie. For refusing to answer questions she got years of jail time. 8 months in solitary. Stone shouldn’t get anything less.

That's actually a valid point. Susan McDougal and her husband both really took the heaviest hit in the Whitewater investigation when they wouldn't flip on the Clintons. And I'd agree that was unfair.

You could expand that to investigations of Martha Stewart, Arthur Anderson executives, Enron executives, and Scooter Libby tried and jailed for a crime he didn't commit. And many of those verdicts were all or partially overturned by higher courts. In Libby's case, the statement of Pulitzer-winning reorter Judith Miller (who also was sent to jail by a judge for not revealing her source! But who later revealed he was the one who unwittingly disclosed clues to Robert Novak that allowed him to deduce Joe Wilson's wife was Valerie Plame and a CIA agent, that Scooter Libby was blamed for.)

That I all commented on in a prior topic. The common denominator in those cases is an overzealous and all-powerful FBI and DOJ that has no check on their power.

Add to that Waco, Texas and the Branch Davidian compount raid, Ruby Ridge, and the more recent Bundy ranch federal standoff in Nevada. And that all documents law enforcement out of control, across multiple presidencies, Democrat and Republican.

I would only argue that there is a more regular pattern of targeting Republicans for partisan reasons and giving Democrats a free pass, going back to Ted Stevens, Scooter Libby, the IRS/Lois Lerner scandal, and the heaviest so far, the current FBI/DOJ/FISA court abuses. Over the last 15 years, there seems to be a rather consistent and one-sided targeting of Republicans by federal law enforcement. And I again point to the Peter Strzok/Lisa Page texts to underscore that is absolutely beyond question.