Process crimes, M E M. Do you understand process crimes?
That means not an actual crime, but a crime manufactured by prosecutors so they can get a conviction in the absence of an actual crime. George Pappadapoulos, Carter Page, Michael Caputo, Michael Flynn.
In the case of Flynn, even the two FBI agents who set up the perjury trap said they believed Flynn was telling the truth and not hiding anything. But to shake him down and as payback for not flipping on Trump, they prosecuted him anyway, knowing he was not guilty.

AGAIN: Only two Trump staffers were arguably guilty of anything.
1) Paul Manafort was investigated maany years prior by FBI, but FBI closed the investigation because they found insufficient evidence to prosecute. FBI/Mueller only re-opened the Manafort investigation to shake him down to try and make him flip on Trump. But ultimately Manafort had nothing to give. They vindictively prosecuted him anyway. Tax evasion, nothing related to a conspiracy with Trump.
2) Michael Cohen, who was prosecuted for perjury and fraudulent taxi-cab medallions. Cohen again had nothing to give FBI on Trump, but later flipped and lied, tried to "sing" and "compose" and make up stuff about Trump to get a lesser sentence, that ultimately failed and was believed by no one. AGAIN: Cohen lied and was snagged by FBI for perjury and for hidden profits from his taxi-cab profits. Nothing related to Trump, NOTHING.

And as hard as FBI and Mueller went after Trump's associates and maliciously prosecuted them for these piddly crimes, that FBI put them under a microscope for years to find, just to smear Trump, so they could say "criminal prosecution of Trump officials", never mind that the crimes had absolutely nothing to do with Trump, and were committed years before their involvement with Trump or his campaign.
As hard as they went after Trump officials, midnight raids, combing their homes and offices and hotel rooms for files and documents, maliciously prosecuting any minor crime or manufactured perjury they could find, IS AS LENIENT AS FBI/Meuller were with Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, and for that matter, the crimes of the FBI and DOJ and Mueller investigators *themselves*. They gave Hillary and her staff up to 2 months to destroy/bleach-bit 33,000 e-mails, and smash the computers and cel phones they'd been stored on. No prosecution for obstruction of justice! No prosecution for destroying subpoenaed evidence!

If you want to allege these Trump officials are guilty of something, dream on. In the case of most Americans, FBI or DOJ could put their lives under a microscope and find some ambiguity or error any citizen could be charged with (i.e., Stalin's secret police chief: "Show me the man, and I'll give you the crime").
It is noteworthy that Trump and his staff could endure these kind of investigations, from roughly 6 months before he was inaugurated, investigation after investigation for almost 4 years, and this is the maximum that FBI/Mueller could find.
I'd love to see the Clintons, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Robert Memendez, Joe Biden or Barack Obama subjected to the same microscope of unrelenting investigation. I guarantee they would find a lot more to prosecute. From conspiracy to insider trading to outright treason.