Tucker Carlson: Bloomberg paid to be humiliated -Feb 20, 2020

Laura Ingraham: Why Bloomberg is failing

Hannity: Bloomberg had worst debate performance I've ever seen

Hannity I think did the best job of quoting from across the liberal print and broadcast media, to show that even Democrats, and their even further-Left brethren in the liberal media, saw Bloomberg's performance and that of the other Democrat 2020 candidates onstage as a collossal failure. That it's not just Republican or Fox News spin, that's what liberals are reporting as well.

Also self-incriminating, that none of the 2020 Democrat candidates respects the will of Democrat primary voters and won't accept Bernie Sanders as their candidate, and endorse a brokered convention, where the Politburo inside the elite of their party should select the candidate, rather than Democrat voters. Borrowing from Orwell, some animals are more equal than others, it seems.

The same Politburo elite who want to do away with the electoral college.

They don't believe in freedom or democracy, they only believe in whatever assures their own political supremacy. And in that they reveal themselves not to be believers in our constitutional republic, or even in socialism, or Bernie Sanders' self-proclaimed "democratic socialism" (whatever in hell that made-up term means). They only believe in whatever twisting of the rules allows them to gain power. And in that, if there was any doubt before, they prove themselves one in spirit with Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and Hugo Chaves... all praised, by the way, by Bernie Sanders.

And you're kidding yourself if you think the rest of the 2020 Democrt field wouldn't enact the same centrist authoritarion America-hating Bolshevik policy. The party of Bernie Sanders is also the same ideology with a slightly different face as Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigeig, Joseph Biden (saying not even a month ago that DACA kids are "more American than most U.S. citizens"), and one in spirit with cultural marxists Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Barack and Michelle Obama (look at their own words quoted in their DiscoverTheNetworks listings linked above.)
And the other America-hating marxist wack jobs in the DNC such as Stacy Abrams, Cory Booker, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar (none more undeniably anti-American!), Rashida Tlaib, Claire McKaskell (once fronting as a moderate, now spewing her venom on MSNBC), Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, and the rest of their evil brood.

It is only by self-delusion and by ignorance of their party's own rhetoric that Democrat voters could imagine these people and many others in their party actually represent their interests. They delude themselves that the Democrat party regards them as more than useful idiots to advance their own agenda, to be later cast aside, in their destruction of the United States, code-phrased "radical transformation", according to their barely-hidden ideology.
They regard the United States as an evil unfair racist place, and want to transform us into a socialist utopia, in the model of socialist Europe as their standard, and certainly make no secret of their admiration of far more radical socialist/marxist states than that. Rather than admiration of the Constitutional republic we are, that they believe is immoral and doesn't deserve to exist.

An American republic Democrats believe so immoral that they labor to abolish celebration of holidays in honor to, and tear down monuments to, such for Washington or Jefferson, or for Columbus. What more proof do you need that these people despise and want to destroy this country, destroy every last vestige of its memory and previous existence?
What could be more America-hating than that?

These are the maniacs we've seen campaigning for the last year. The ones who who can barely restrain themselves and keep the appearance of being moderate, as they labor to get their Trojan horse inside the gate, to destroy us. To destroy even those who would elect them.

These aren't new tactics, but both the Clintons and the Obamas had the Alinsky trained discretion to hide their true intentions until after elected:
 Originally Posted By: Hillary Clinton (in a secret closed meeting with Clinton Foundation investors

And more recently Obama publicly advised the 2020 candidates to not discuss their radical intentions until after the election (again, Alinsky tactics of infiltration). Because their special brand of evil succeeds best under cover of darkness.