Eric Shanower, who I know mostly for his L.Frank Baum Oz adaptations, that I first saw in the mid 1980's as 5 sporadically published graphic novels for First Comics from 1986-1992.

And pages in Dark Horse's Harlan Ellison's Dream Corridor series, from 1995-1996. That despite my affection for Ellison's work overall, I found a rather dull and poorly thought out collection of adaptations of Ellison's stories for the most part. That Dark Horse at the time hyped as "Ellison adaptations by comics best talents", that I wrote to Dark Horse and told them were "first rate talents doing third-rate work on the series." But Shanower's work was pleasant enough, mostly introductory splash pages and bridging of Ellison introducing each story, along the lines of Cain introducing stories in HOUSE OF MYSTERY, or Rod Serling in the Twilight Zone series. Which to me was annoying and un-original. But Shanower's paages were pleasant enough.

Shanower does nice clean and detailed art, but somehow it just doesn't set me on fire and make me say "wow".

I was unaware till I looked him up that Shanower is the exact same age as me, and like me from Florida (he's from Key West).