
On Saturday, immediately after he came in third in the South Carolina primary (the only state he even made the slightest showing in the polls), Tom Steyer ended his campaign.

Last night, Pete Buttegeig suspended his campaign.

And now Amy Klobuchar just announced she is ending her campaign.

And both have endorsed Biden.
Right after Biden in South Carolina got a first place finish of 49%, with Sanders finishing at a distant second with 19%. The ONLY state Biden has won, and not come in 3rd or worse.

It appears that the lesser players are clearing the moderate side of the field to give Biden a snowball's chance in hell of beating Sanders for the Democrat nomination. The only other DNC contenders remaining at this point being Mike Bloomberg, Elizabeth Warren, and Tulsi Gabbard. All of whom would not secure our Southern border, would de-criminalize illegal immigrants, and would provide government-subsidized healthcare to illegals (thus incentivizing millions more to come.)
So... even the so-called "moderate" Democrats left in the primary race are, in fact, radicals.