It just seems really creepy to me that not only do 3 candidates get out of the primary a day or two before the biggest primary they've all been staying in the race for, and spent millions of dollars on campaign ads to win. And then, not only do they drop out right before Super Tuesday, but then Buttigeig, Klobuchar and an out-of-the-woodwork Beto O'Rourke ALL suddenly endorse Biden.

I seriously doubt all, or even one of these candidates, actually believe in Joe Biden. There clearly was some trading of favors and promises down the line from Biden or the DNC, for each to join a united front in support of Biden (obviously, in a bid to shut out Bernie Sanders). None of these would I describe as centrists who logically would align with Biden. Let alone the fact that he's an incoherent tongue-tied bufoon, with no logical rationale or lucid agenda to even run for president. But all these figures from the center/far-Left suddenly endorse him?

It says a lot about the current state of the Democrat party that Joe Biden is somehow considered a "moderate."

That being said, it's not really all that creepy that other candidates are dropping out to endorse him. The ones you mention certainly had internal polling that showed they couldn't win and they in all likelihood figured it was better to cut a deal now to help stop socialist Sanders. That's SOP in any campaign season.