Despite that I live in Florida, it's very frustrating that both national and local news only say "two, three, four people in Florda have tested positive for Coronavirus". And for roughly a week now, never details of who or where in the state. Only with a google search did I find any details:

Another presumptive positive case of the coronavirus in Florida has brought the number of in-state patients to four, along with five other Floridians who are recovering in other states.

Gov. Ron DeSantis announced the third presumptive positive coronavirus case in an in-state resident. The man is in his 70s and lives in Santa Rosa County. The governor said the man had been traveling internationally.

According to the Florida Department of Health website, two other infected Florida residents are in the state, one in Hillsborough County and the other in Manatee County. Another person with the virus in Hillsborough County is not a Florida resident, officials said.

Five Florida residents have been diagnosed with the virus outside of the state.

Health officials said there are 69 pending test results in Florida and 248 people being monitored.
There are more than 95,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus in 79 countries and territories, according to the World Health Organization. More than 3,200 people have died worldwide

There are more than 160 U.S. cases of coronavirus, CNN reports and those numbers are expected to rise.
The U.S. death toll stands at 11 — 10 in Washington State and 1 in California.

It's likely that those in other states outside California, Oregon, Washington and New York are, like me, seeing coverage of Coronavirus in their own states eclipsed by the larger outbreak in these most heavily-hit states.

Those three counties are all in the Tampa/Clearwater area, on the West side of Florida. Even as a resident of Florida, I had to look at a map to see where those counties were.

Amid the panic and hype that the media are stirring, while they say "95,000 cases worldwide" it was only Lou Dobbs that I saw (last night) emphasize that over 51,000 infected have alreaddy fully recovered.

The virus seems to not affect young people, and to badly affect people with immune deficiencies and/or the elderly. And in all these cases in Florida, it appears to stem from travel outside the country, or to other areas of the U.S. with Coronavirus infection cases.

In the case of Oregon, 9 of the 10 cases that resulted in death occurred at one elderly nursing home. That healthcare workers are among those at most risk for the virus, and also the likely carriers to their infirm patients.

It's disturbing that high-ranking officials in the Iranian government have died of the disease.
Also several doctors in China, including the doctor who first sounded the alarm on Coronavirus in China on social media. I consider it entirely possible that while under arrest, he was deliberately infected by the Chinese to silence him. Although he clearly dealt closely with Corona-infected patients well before he was arrested.

I wish the media, if not disclosing the identity of those infected in the U.S., would at least give some personal details about those infected: their age and gender, what if any health problems they had prior, whether they are retired, or working in what profession, and where they had recently travelled to. These details, while not compromising their identities, would at least give the entire public knowledge of what precautions to take to avoid infection.

I saw a guy interviewed on Laura Ingraham last night who was infected and made a full recovery. And that both he and his family have been getting death threats. The only rationale I can think of for that is if people thought he had purposely lied, deliberately hidden that he was infected, and deliberately put others at risk of infection. In his case, I think he was completely honest and didn't put others at risk.
But a week ago, I saw an elderly New York Jewish lady who was flown back from a cruise ship in Japan, and she admitted on camera that her and her husband knew they were infected before boarding the plane to the U.S., and that they both lied just to get out of Japan and back to the U.S., and in doing so put everyone aboard the plane at risk of infection. That pissed me off, just watching the story. She deserves death threats.