There isn’t a lying narrative in having valid criticism over Trump’s almost daily bouts of misinformation on coronavirus. You tell me how it’s good that Trump lies and says anybody can get tested if they want when even Pence is saying we don’t have enough kits?

And Obama declared an emergency when just 20 people in this country were infected with something that had a much lower mortality rate than this virus. Oh and guess what your rotten pieces of garbage like Hannity were doing while this country was fighting H1N1?

“ And what were Sean Hannity and other right-wing media figures doing at the time? They were waging a serious misinformation campaign about the H1N1 flu, the vaccine, and the Obama administration’s response to it. For example, radio host Rush Limbaugh speculated that the administration was “hyping the number” of cases in order to “sell health care” — referring to the administration’s efforts to pass the Affordable Care Act.

At the time, Hannity fearmongered that a committee recommendation of the priority list in case of vaccine shortages amounted to government rationing against seniors, which had been a common right-wing scare tactic during the passage of the Affordable Care Act. (In the specific case of the H1N1 flu, seniors were less at risk in comparison to young children.)

And even while warning of vaccine shortages and rationing, Hannity in October 2009 hosted anti-vaccine radio personality Deirdre Imus, who insisted it was “misinformation” that the vaccine was even safe to begin with.

The same month, Limbaugh also publicly boasted that he wasn’t getting the vaccine, defiantly stating, “Screw you, Miss [HHS Secretary Kathleen] Sebelius. I am not going to take it, precisely because you’re now telling me I must.” He also gave voice to conspiracy theories from Louis Farrakhan that the vaccine might have been developed just to kill people.

I think you know you’re actually the one with the lying narrative WB .

Fair play!