Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

It's hilarious to me how Snopes bends over backward to defend Obama against allegations in a PJ Media article of his less proactive measures aagaainst Swine Flu in 2009, than Trump has exhibited in 2020.


They play fast and loose with the fact that there was a pandemic already occurring when Swine Flu cases reached the United States in April 2009. Snopes says a pandemic had not yet been officially declared until June 2009.

Snopes also glosses over that Trump (amidst being impeached without cause, no less!) simultaneously cut off all direct flights from China. And that at no time during the Swine Flu outbreak did Obama take similar preventive action. That ultimately resulted in 12,000 dead in the U.S. from Swine flu, and about 275,000 hospitalized.

None of this gets around the fact that Trump's preventive action prevented tens of thousands more Coronavirus infections, and at the very least has bought the U.S. more time to prepare for further infection by those entering from other infected nations.

Snopes consistently reads like a site that is run by Democrats, that is hell-bent on making the most negative spin possible against Trump and other Republicans. While running cover for Democrats.

Why do you feel it’s appropriate to attack snopes for correcting a conservative website’s misinformation? Are you even pretending you’re for truthful reporting no matter the side? Do you have any bar for honesty with your side? I just don’t see one to be honest. You can’t even acknowledge that the conservative site was wrong. Just like Trump was wrong about anyone being able to get tested. It’s just not true according to not only Pence but the CDC as well. Do you understand that isn’t what a leader should be doing during an emergency?

First off, I've established many times that Snopes is partisan-Left, that Factcheck is a branch of the Washington Post, and Politifact is a branch of the Tampa Tribune, the latter two of which source publications are rabidly anti-Trump and anti-Republican. And the Washington Post in particular has been caught endless times in the last 3 years deliberately manufacturing stories and having them blow up in their faces, in their zeal to publish something negative about Trump without verifying their sources.

One example I can think of offhand is when Washington Post tried to allege new witnesses of sexual misconduct a year after Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation. The one "source" said she didn't say it, all her friends --interviewed by OTHER MORE REPUTABLE sources -- said she had no memory of such an incident, and the second source was an ultra-Democrat partisan lawyer who had clashed with Kavanaugh during the 1998 Clinton special investigation, who would clearly allege anything to get back at Kavanaugh. The WP reporters involved made a half-hearted apology for their "mistake" after the fact.

I've also clearly established many other times that Factcheck and Politifact choose conservatives for factchecking 75% of the time, and only factcheck/criticize Democrats/liberals 25% of the time, to keep up some semblance of equal criticism and impartiality.

My point was they didn't "correct disinformation". They chose their terms very carefully and hid the true facts, the true facts THAT I CITED.

I love how the liars of the Democrat/Left try to turn it around and accuse Republicans of being liars, to hide that THEY, THE DEMOCRATS ARE THE TRUE LIARS. That's a pattern that plays out over and over.

Democrats are guilty of treason and enablisng Soviet/Russian spies, for decades. They hide this by accusing Trump and other Republicans of treason and "collusion" with Russia. The liberal media, including factcheck sites, fly cover for the Dems.
Democrats incite violence against Republicans. They hide this by accusing the Republicans of violent "hate speech" that incites violence. But over and over, it turns out that, after false liberal media reporting of initially calling it a Tea Party or "right wing" shooter, a day or two later it inevitably turns out to actually be a liberal. (George Zimmerman a Democrat, Jared Loughner a Democrat, the Aurora Colorado movie threatre shooter a Democrat, the Sandy Hook Shooter a Democrat, Christopher Darden who killed multiple L.A. police officers a Democrat WHO WAS AN AVID CNN AND MSNBC VIEWER WHO PRAISED MULTIPLE ANCHORS OF THOSE 2 NETWORKS IN HIS ONLINE MANIFESTO, a story invisible to the liberal media. The Breitbart article I've cited multiple times of the over 600 attacks on Republicans for things as minor as wearing a pro-Trump MAGA hat, etc., etc. )

Do YOU have any bar for honesty, M E M? Does ANYONE on your side?
Because I don't see it to be honest. I've cited the true facts over and over, you appear immune to them. No matter how many times the liberal media are proven to have misrepresented the facts, over and over, unquestionably.
YOUR SIDE are the ones engaging in the most incendiary rhetoric, clearly inciting violence. (Maxine Waters, Cory Booker, against the Covington Catholic High School kids, and just days ago Chuck Schumer threatening the U S Supreme Court, to name just a few examples.)
YOUR SIDE are the ones overwhelmingly violently attacking Republicans. I don't know how you can deny it. ( Again, the Breitbart-reported examples, and another article I cited that estimates there have been an average of two Democrat attacks on Trump supporters every day Trump's been president. )

You are alleging something about Trump there is no evidence of, the lie that Trump alleged everyone can get a Coronavirus test right now. That's ridiculous, and spinning Trump out of context. Even if Trump had actually alleged that, the NIH and CDC and Vice President Pence would have immediately clarified and corrected him. You're lyingly fronting that Trump lied, just to undermine him. I trust the NIH and CDC and the Vice President leading the coronavirus task force to cite the most accurate facts, and they say they are expediting mass-producing coronavirus test kits to be made available to every medical facility nationwide. It's illogical that Trump would allege it's already available, when it's clear Trump and everyone else are working to get them manufactured and distributed nationwide.

A president's job, "what a leader should be doing", is to protect the nation from all threats, foreign and domestic. I would say the domestic threat is the Democrat party. Protecting the U.S. is precisely what Trump did from the outset, stopping flights from China, what neither Barack Obama or any Democrat or milquetoast Republican would have had the decisiveness and clarity to do. Preventing and delaying tens of thousands of potential Coronavirus infections.

And your vicious lying party has been obstructing and undermining Trump every step of the way. Your side **WANTS** to destroy this country, to cause maximum damage, just to try and prevent Trump from being re-elected. Whether by disease, or preventing Trump from securing the border as promised, or stoking economic disaster with their Chicken-Little sky-is-falling rhetoric (Paul Krugman, Bill Maher, etc.), the lying Democrats are working every day to make these things happen with their lying talking points. Defeating Trump is their only goal, no matter how much damage they do to the country in the process. I would say that's the proof that Democrats hate America, their eagerness to destroy it just for their own political gain.